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Medic4all Telemedicine


Telemedicine (also called “telehealth” and “e-health”) uses modern telecommunication systems and innovative biomedical technologies to provide medical services and transmission of medical information from one location to another.

Telmedicine makes medical information move instead of people.

Among the different Telemedicine application fields, Medic4all chose to dedicate particular attention to Protection, with services studied for satisfying every specific demand related to the different ages and the health status of a person.


Telemedicine “anywhere, anytime�

Through the use of innovative easy-to-use and highly reliable biomedical devices, it is possible to directly, and with absolute precision, monitor important aspects of the own health: vital parameters are measured with full autonomy, recorded in the Personal Clinical File of the customer and these medical data can be consulted by Medic4all Operative Center physicians, and upon customer authorization, by its family doctor or by physicians of sanitary and hospital structures.

clinicAnytime, the customer can speak with the doctor and receive medical opinion or suggestions on its own health status and, through a small videocamera, the customer can see and be seen by the doctor, by comfortably staying at home or at the office.

Also during a trip it is possible to monitor and transmit the vital parameters, to carry out a teleconsultation with Medical Operative Centers and to receive medical support.

Medic4all Telemedicine solutions:

  • Increase the comfort because they dedicate particular attention to Prevention;
  • Enhance tranquility because they accompany the customer anywhere and anytime;
  • Improve life quality in all phases of the health status of a person (from prevention to health support to rehabilitation)
  • Reduce cost managing cronic desease at home