Products and tecnology
Medic4all Group develops and markets innovative proprietary e-Health / telemedicine wireless technology that improve healthcare management for: homecare services, diseases management programs, remote patient monitoring, post treatment & chronic patient follow up and Tele-Assistance services (PERS) … read more about technology »
The Telcomed range of wireless devices give patients an extremely user friendly and comfortable monitoring experience, while providing highest-level precision and reliability. Proprietary devices include the MiniClinic™ and WristClinic™ vital signs monitoring wrist units, the MedicGate™ vital signs monitoring gateway and the MiniGate™ USB gateway that store and transmit information to the telemedicine call centre. See all our products »
The Medic4All Technology Platform consists of miniaturized, wearable, wireless medical monitoring peripherals and gateways, sophisticated medical call center software and protocols.
Located any where in the patient’s home, Medic4all’s telemedicine system, with a wide range of vital signs monitoring, is designed to automatically and wirelessly send its collected data to the medical monitoring center server without the patient’s or medical monitoring center operator interaction.
Key features include:
- Fully wireless peripherals - 250-meter range (free space).
- Unique miniaturized and wearable medical monitoring devices
- User friendly design and operation - One key activationü Automatic vital signs data accumulation and transmission
- Automatic transfer of the collected medical measurement data to the medical monitoring center
- Wide variety of medical parameters
- Remotely programmable devices
- Scheduled measurements
- Wireless module that enables rapid integration of 3rd party peripherals.
- Device unique digital ID
- Device ultra low power consumption
- Personal medical alert setting for each user
Telcomed Advanced Industries Ltd